Monday 28 November 2011

How To Play Tennis – Instructional Videos For Beginners

How to Play Tennis is a step-by-step video instructional guide for beginners put together by Tomaz Mencinger, a level 3 coach in European standards and a USPTR Professional tennis coach. Tomaz has a modern and proven approach towards teaching tennis and many people of different ages have found his instructions useful. With the easy to follow instructions provided in the videos you will learn how to play the forehand groundstroke, backhand groundstroke, forehand and backhand volley, and serve, return and overhead. There are three packages that you can choose from. 1.) How To Play Tennis From The Baseline 2.) How To Serve and Return 3.)How To Play Tennis At The Net.
How To Play Tennis From The Baseline
With the help of 7 videos you will learn how to find a forehand grip and how to start playing mini tennis in the first minute. Tomaz explains why mini tennis is a great way to speed up your learning process. He will show you how to follow through properly.

The videos will guide you through the process of developing a stroke that comes naturally to you so that your movement is not mechanical. The backhand videos teach you which type of backhand (one-handed or two-handed) you should be playing and the correct grips for both types.

The program also focuses on player movements and positioning by including basic footwork patterns and tips to keep you sideways for a one-handed backhand follow-through and enable you to move quickly in both directions.

How To Serve and Return

In the program Tomaz explains to the viewers that the serve is a complex stroke, and it will take a while to learn. He further says that due to the complexity of the stroke there a lot of wrong techniques that you could develop and they may become a habit.

With "How To Play Tennis" videos, you learn the right way to serve and lay a foundation for serves that are more accurate topspin and slice serves and faster. The videos will show you how to coordinate both the arms in a natural way when hitting the ball.

In addition, you will learn 3 key components of a good serve. Learning this right way is very important if you want to play good tennis.

How To Play Tennis At The Net

This has valuable information for tennis beginners who can serve and play from the baseline with some consistency but feel their game at the net needs much improvement.
From this book you can learn how to prepare for the volley in a quick and simple way, how to react faster at the net and play your first volleys with control, despite of the fact you don't have a lot of feel at this stage.

Higher level players might benefit from the movement and reaction drills and learning how to practice so they develop instinctive volleys.  

How To Play Tennis From The Baseline includes 8 videos for forehand tennis lessons and 8 videos for backhand. How To Serve And Return package includes 6 videos for serve lessons and 6 for return lessons. How To Play Tennis At The Net includes 7 videos for volley lessons and 4 for overhead tennis lessons. The price of the each package is the same $17 and each package comes with 5 bonus videos and an 8 week money back guarantee.

More Info at:


FUN: Cute Ducking Scam

Thursday 17 November 2011

Chopper Tattoo- Get A Design That You Like

If you have decided to get a tattoo and you are searching for the right design for yourself, you need to make sure that you make the right choice, because the design will be there for life. Searching the right design for you can be fun yet stressing and difficult also.
Chopper tattoo is a tattoo design website which makes it easy for you to search the right design for yourself with its design gallery comprising of about 4000 tattoo designs. The site claims to have the largest design database on the net which is updated regularly.
When you have purchased the membership you will have many different categories to choose from in the membership area. The categories include Tribal Tattoos, Dragon Tattoos, Cross Tattoos, Star Tattoos, Gothic Tattoos, Armband Tattoos and many more categories.

The best feature of the site besides its impressive collection of designs is the ease of use of the members’ area of the website. It’s a really simple layout, and you don’t have to be a computer nerd to find your tattoo design quickly.

You can search as many designs as you want to and you can also customize your search according to size, category and color. After you have selected your design you can simply download it, print it and take it your tattoo artist.

If you are an aspiring tattoo artist yourself, then you can increase your exposure because there is a section of the site that allows you to submit your designs. The section on lettering will give you a lot of ideas on different styles and lets you customize whatever ideas that you have right on to your computer.

The site also offers some bonuses; you can play games and download your favorite music while searching for a tattoo for you.

Chopper Tattoo memberships are priced reasonably. One of the things that you will like about Chopper Tattoo is its flexible membership choices. It offers three membership plans to choose from according to your need:

• 1 Month - $19.95
• 2 Months - $24.95
• Lifetime - $34

Obviously if you are only planning on getting one tattoo in your lifetime the 1 month membership makes sense. But for those people who are planning more tattoos in future and for tattoo freaks lifetime membership is recommended.

The site also offers a refund policy; if you are not satisfied with their services they offer you a full refund.

However some members have criticized that the tattoo category pages have big horizontal banner ads on each side of it, which you don’t expect on a membership site but this may not be an issue for everyone.

In short if you are looking for a tattoo that suits you chopper tattoo can help you a lot in a very reasonable cost compared to other such sites and the flexible membership plans also make it suitable for every type of users.

Check this out:

Sunday 13 November 2011