Monday 4 October 2010

Watch BBC World News Live To Stay Updated

BBC World News Channel is the channel of BBC that broadcasts international news and current affairs. This channel has the honor of having an audience, larger than any other of the BBC channels, as well as any other news channel all across the globe. What makes this channel stand as an unparalleled channel is that it focuses not only on regular news bulletins, but also on many more programs, which include lifestyle programs, documentaries, and interviews. Whatever is broadcasted on BBC world news is sure to be top-notch and a league apart, which is the reason that draws millions of viewers to watch the channel live.

Watch BBC World News Live for an assurance of the most reliable and up-to-date information from every corner of the world. The channel does not have any major variations in the programs broadcasted in different countries. The only differences are limited to commercials, which differ with the country in which the channel is being broadcasted. A few regional programming variations do exist. For instance, “The Record Europe” is broadcasted only in Europe, while the “Indian feeds” are broadcasted in India only. Also, the “Asian Business report”, which comes from Singapore, is aired only in the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. The “World Business Report” is aired in the rest of the countries.

One of the catchiest features of the BBC World News channel is the countdown that precedes each hourly news bulletin. One can’t help marveling at the music that accompanies this countdown, which is composed by David Lowe. The present style of the countdown is extremely captivating as it is accompanied by visuals of the channel’s reporters and its technical staff, gathering news at different locales. The countdown of BBC World News bears a similarity to that of its sister channel, BBC News, in which it concludes with the channel’s logo. The fact that the channel enjoys a viewer base of a whooping 78 million viewers per week speaks volumes of its popularity.

The channel has a wide range of programs that it offers to the viewers. These include a plethora of news programs, the most notable of which is BBC World News, which offers international news from every nook and corner of the world. Other news programs include Impact Asia, BBC World news America, and World News Today. You can watch BBC World News live to get entertained by a wide array of programs, other than news programs that are aired on the channel. Some of these are Click, Fast Track, Final Score, HARDTalk, Our World, This Week, and Talking Movies. The channel never fails to live up to the expectations of news buffs across the globe, who rely on the BBC World News channel for its unsurpassed quality and entertainment quotient.

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