Friday 20 May 2011

Why is Medicus dual hinge driver is the best tool to lower your score?

It is difficult to improve your game and lower your handicap when you are struggling with your swing. The biggest hold-back is consistent. There may be a sad day when you spend your time in the rough. Successful starst with to get your Club on the correct swing plane and fortify the device.

Normally you would book see your local pro and try to fix your swing weaknesses. This can quickly become expensive and you need more than a lesson. And how many people know you totally have fixed their swing in 20 minutes? The solution is a swing coach who gives you immediate feedback. Imagine how good you can be if he is to call 24-7. at any time, any place.

It is only 1 time a coach who can do all this for you. Medicus dual hinge officer is perfect swing trainer.

There are many draw back when you start the lessons with a pro. You never take advantage of the lesson and always need more, that are added to the cost and they all have different opinions about your swing. Information overload is by far the biggest problem. How many lessons do you have been in the grip and had changed hands moved, your attitude has been adjusted and so on? As all will be forgotten before you get back in your car.

You can solve the problem of Medicus driver. With its patented dual hinge, you have your own personal swing coach. This time the coach gives you the advantage to start your swing on the right swing banan. It will keep you on the right path from the moment you start your takeaway and up through your back swing. But it's not there, it also takes you to the impact zone and sweet spot each time.

The dual hinge snaps if you drag the Club removed too quickly. With this immediate feedback you only restore wand and swinging again. Get your hands off the right plan and the shaft pop open. If you are in your back again, the decline or follow through, if you arrive by plane the club shaft breaks. With this immediate feedback, it is not difficult to see why Medicus driver is the number one selling swing trainer.

You will spend hours of lessons are trying to determine your swing. Why not find and correct them directly with dual hinge device driver?

Don't forget to find time for a lesson when you can use the Medicus somewhere. You can use it in your home, Office or even the car park, it is ready when you are. It may be an ideal warm up but you know, at least you can nail the first drive.

The fastest way to lower your handicap is by improving your swing. By hitting more fairways, you give yourself a better chance of hitting more Greens and shot a lower score. Let's go down every fairway while your playing partners spend their days in the trees. Medicus dual hinge officer will help you improve your swing and improve your handicap.

View the original article here

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