Saturday 6 August 2011

Laser tattoo removal-does it work?

With the increase in demand for tattoo-rose also professionals and amateurs, demand for laser tattoo removal. According to the Harris poll February 12, 2008 around 17% of individuals who regrets having tattoos. The main reason was that he was too immature when they won the tattoo. Others said they regretted the tattoo, as they Fade over time, while others said "just don't like it".

While there are other methods of tattoo removal that include everything from surgical removal creams, laser tattoo removal has become the gold standard for removal of tattoos and has largely replaced by other methods.

How laser tattoo removal work?
Laser tattoo removal works targeting of tattooed area with laser energy pulses in specific wavelengths. The ink in the skin absorbs the laser energy to ' break ' Kudos to allow the body to absorb natural period of 6 to 8 weeks. After a period of 6 to 8 weeks running another instance. Usually must be between 5 and 15 sessions before the tattoo appears sufficiently to will not be considered.

There are several lasers used for all manner of cosmetic procedures and there are many different laser tattoo removal. These differ in wavelength, pulse duration and energy levels. Some lasers are able to vary the wavelength of light and its point size. It is important to vary the wavelength and pulse duration. Different colors of ink absorbs the light better in specific wavelengths and lasers with shorter pules is safer and more effective.

The effectiveness of laser tattoo removal can depend on several factors, including skin tone, colourants, paints used in tattoo and your immune system's ability to absorb and liberated from the damaged by ink.

How much is it?
The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on many factors-the most important is the number of sessions required for removal of tattoos and the size of the tattoo. The number of sessions required depends on the quality of the tattoo and the type of ink used. Some professional tattoo Use colours that are more stubborn to remove some colors are more challenging to remove than others. Tattoo pigments such as White, yellow, Greens and florescent inks may take several sessions to remove from the darker blacks and blues.

Each clinic will calculate their values, which are different but each session should be between $ 200-$ 500 but may be longer for larger tattoos.

Risks of laser tattoo removal
The risks are low, but very rarely some react badly to the colors of ink and laser will turn dark instead of fading. However this usually can be corrected with future sessions, where the tattoo is a blackened by the wavelength of light, especially for very dark colours.

People with dark skin, you may see a fading of the natural skin color, however this effect is usually temporary.

If you could easily scar and keloid scars to produce then Get either a lower intensity laser should be used whether the procedure should be avoided. However, intimidation has become less likely due to advances in laser technology and the process must be fast and virtually pain free.

If you would like to learn more about the laser tattoo removal, visit, which provides researched and referenced articles on health, fitness and surgery about issues.

View the original article here

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