Sunday 12 June 2011

Cultivate creativity - part II

By Tricia Poulos Leonard Tricia poulos Leonard
Level: Base more

?Art was a part of my childhood?there were always paper, pencils, paints, and pastels available. The first memory, I want to be a...

We live in a noisy world. There is radio, TV, mowers grass and blowers, plans from above, the dog in the street, cars rain by car alarms which always seem to go offshore, the display of a truck as it backup. Noise is not only outside us... There is also the sound in our heads. "I need this letter mail, go to the store, pick up the children, and did, I remember to pay all invoices?" What is going to make for dinner and where was Dr. appointment this week? "The race of thoughts through our minds at the speed of lightning. How creativity can be grown in this cacophony? It cannot. Creativity needs calm and silence to exist. Your first job, if you are to be creative, is to calm the noise. I offer three ways to do so.

The first is as old as the first glow of religion in human history. It is called by many: meditation. To begin, you need to find 20 minutes from time when nobody bothers you and find a place which is quiet outside noises. A good time is early in the morning before the phone starts to ring, perhaps even before the alarm is triggered. A soft cushion in a small space is the only necessary accessory. Meditation at its simplest is simply sitting quietly, usually with closed eyes and attention to your breathing. It seems simple, but it is difficult to achieve in the first place. Noise through your head will continue to break the peace you are trying to establish. You'll be tempted to think of things in the past or future. You must recognize the thoughts which they appear and let go and focus on each breath because it goes in and out. Make your slow and regular breathing. With daily practice, you will be better to concentrate and compensation of your mind.

The second is to write to calm the noise. This time the necessary accessories are a spiral notebook and a pen. Once again, takes about 20 minutes of calm at yourself. Your goal will be to write portable three pages per day. What to write? Everything that comes into your head. This time you can leave the internal noise of flow to your head and on the page. Don't worry about what you write... This is not the great American novel and you do not have a creative writer to do so. Replay not what you wrote. The goal is to liberate your creative self all the flotsam and jetsam that fills your mind most of the time. You can complain about the clerk at the store that you treated badly, you can write on all the things that you need to do today, you can worry about financial issues affecting you, you can go the sad state of the nation. Everything is OK to write in these three pages. It is a purge of the things that get your creativity.

The last way to create an island of calm in your life is to walk. A daily brisk walk 20 minutes will work wonders by disabling the noisy chatter that fills your head. It is best to walk alone. You do not need a companion to fill quiet conversation. The only exception to walk alone could be a dog, if your dog is calm and will be walking next to you and not draw or distract your attention. Walk, breathe the cool air and note the world around you, as if everything is at a distance. This daily walk must be the same route every time and should be at the same time of the day, every day.

Each of these techniques of moderation takes a mere twenty minutes of your day. You will find that 20 minutes that you lose will be be acquired in your increased attention and productivity for the rest of the day. Will you enjoy the benefits within a month. The scene is set for your adventure to a more creative and rewarding lives. The path you take is the first baby step that you must take to engage in a quest for creativity in the areas you want to continue.

This article has been viewed 52 time (s).
Submitted the: May 03, 2011

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