Tuesday 28 June 2011

Movie review: Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

Kung Fu Panda 2 uses the same techniques that made its predecessor success: a goofy character fighting desperately to fit in; comic character design and playful animation; and an all star cast of voice actor with such recognizable articulation, that they the visual barrier of her 3D alter ego against. Although the first film defines the characters, their relationships, fates and the setting of the ancient Asia, this second trip has the option, each role use purely for action, adventure, comic relief and even a little pathos. Only when the Sappiness to the point, the script has to enough sense thwart unbearable ramps which eye rolls (or tears) when the manipulation worked with strongly contrasting humor.

Po (Jack Black) the overweight Panda has been proclaimed the Almighty "Dragon Warrior", and monitors the safety of China with his band of capable Sidekicks, the furious five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), monkey (Jackie Chan), crane (David Cross) and Viper (Lucy Liu). He talks master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) about the search for inner peace with his patients, looting a gang of bandits Wolf of a nearby town looking for metal objects, force Po to depart for a hasty rescue. As he will soon discover, the exile Peacock has Mr Shen (Gary Oldman) forged fire-breathing, metal spewing gun to wipe out those who are on his way to world domination.

It is questionable whether the story has grown more entertaining, especially when you consider that the action is little more than a generic Kung Fu history of good against evil, like the kind found in just about any live action martial arts film in the last decades. While the main conflict a relentless Overlord with obedience is Po's army and destructive weapons, the underlying discordance hazy memory of the past and the desire to know who he is, as the son of a goose, landed, and what happened to his real parents. Is Po trust or revenge drive? His actions of inner peace, are on as the film provoked preach, or by the powerful force that is adrenaline pumping payback,?

Perhaps he is simply try was successful on "hardcore" so that he can test with his companions. And if this is the case, it's a shame that so much of his time annoyingly foliation reconnaissance, ambush and rescue missions with his stunning defiance and clumsy clumsiness is issued. It is sometimes fun to see how pathetic its compared warriors counterparts, but equally annoying in the no-nonsense General, that he learned the hard way, that for his ruthless actions follow. This leads to the invincibility issued by all parties, the urgent and serious affects each dilemma which. Po is immune to injury and planless accidental frying pan, a lucky mistake or a loose floor plank protects from damage with one, which until swings (occur like on a rake), to block a rush of throwing knives in lower arm Holster. Crane similarly avoid risk with spastic flight and tigress has flamed at all any more - excuses they only whiskers suffers after taking a Cannonball on the face. Gravity and physics also seem the heroes, completely avoiding play no role in their unlikely escapes - although you the creative complex Chase sequences is intense and spontaneous.

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