Tuesday 21 June 2011

In the 5 step Guide to the Golf course Etiquette

Golf is a peaceful game surrounded by tranquil countryside. When played correctly, it can be a long-term game and a good way to blow one day with family or friends. To ensure all players experience is optimal, there are unwritten rules concerning health and safety and ensure a pleasant experience.

1. Respect your fellow players and Club members. This is very important, so that the people you play with and other groups can all enjoy their game without feeling threatened or premature. Loud shouting and high noise levels when other players make a shot is very disrespectful and should be avoided. Also, please be patient and wait for other teams to finish, no one should feel the need to hasten their lines.

2. Maintain a flow of the game. To maintain a speed can prevent boredom and queuing of tee-off zones. Do not forget to leave tee immediately after shots so that the next person to go. Make sure to follow other players balls in flight, this makes it easier to find if the player struggling to find them. If a player in the group have lost a golf ball, let the next group so that their shots before you begin searching for the ball, this prevents unnecessary waiting for other groups.

3. be careful to follow the course. Respecting the course ensures the other players to enjoy their games as much as you have. Play golf on a broken or ground surface course do not have the same pleasure of playing on a pristine course. Do not cause damage through carelessness with your golf equipment and ensure that replace all divots in the fairways by pressing with your feet. Replacing flagstick with care to avoid any damage in the hole. Observe the course's cart rules to prevent possible damage and recover the sand turf immediately after making a bunker shot.

4. be prepared. Before playing, you must ensure that specific rules golf course can be. If you are planning a trip with a large group make sure you book in advance because many courses have a reservation system in operation. When a time schedules, you must arrive on time so that other groups games will not be affected and people on your team not waiting.

5. be aware of General game play rules. Be aware of others around you as regards health and safety. When you make a practice swing, check around there nobody in line hit by your club. Before making a stroke, would verify that there are a few players to put in the vicinity which could be threatened by your shot. Seeing the ball that goes against a player, yell "up!" to alert the player to move to safety.

All golf courses have different rules as regards safety and respect for the course. Golf etiquette, however, is an overarching concept that ensures all players enjoy safe play on a well maintained.


Written by Jamie Lyons commissioned by Golf 247

View the original article here

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