Saturday 4 June 2011

Four types of performers

"The world is a stage and all men and women merely players" was what the poet William Shakespeare and playwright brilliant. And he was right. We are all performers in our own way. We perform for our friends, our jobs, our families and ourselves. Some of us our too hyper and add the value of a social dynamic by acting as the buffoon. Others are silent or dark but release by other means, such as music, they listen, the manner in which they dress or dance.

There are several kinds of artists including:

1 Actors movie:

This is a very common dream to grow up to be on the big screen. The glamour and grandiose celebrity life is difficult to miss even as a little. There are some obvious benefits for the film. The first being pay cheques. People love of cinema which means large salaries for players. The second is the ability to make the occasions. Contrary to stage actors who have all their lines memory, the actors of the film can be repeated. And the ultimate benefit is the short production time. Actors may perform in the same years show; Television actors must be 24 episodes in a season, while the actors filming a whole film in a few months.

2 Actors of television:

The big thing acting on a television show is how long you can stay, and how you can be a part of the life of the people. People love their shows. They are cheesy, guilty little pleasures or dramas of reflection, we get bitten and forward to watch them every week. Many film actors have begun their career in television.

3 Actors from the stage:

In the stage of my interim view is the most artistic form to act. There is not much to hide behind on stage. Actors can have special lighting or makeup, but the public can hear their real voice, see their real body and in some occasions feel their real sweat. Actors must be aware of all their lines and allude to things as much as possible without the help of special effects and misleading camera techniques.

4 The Court Jesters:

A buffoon is a joker, a fool, a prankster or clown. They are entertainment for the night. In the European monarchy jesters traditionally wore bright colors and the elements that inspired laughter and derision. In all groups of friends or family there tends to be a buffoon. A person who, without failure, has the ability to hear those around them.

Now that we've covered the various types of performers, it is time to find their perfect stage.

View the original article here

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