Saturday 11 June 2011

How to make a Vampire makeup for women

Looks more common that people try Halloween is the look of a vampire. Bumping into a vampire can be terrible experience for anyone and everyone. Many people believe that it takes considerable time and expertise in makeup to get the perfect look of a vampire. We provide here a brief description on how you can simply use the cosmetic routine and get this look. Vampire makeup, the first thing to keep in mind is that the basis of the composition should be such that the face must consider white.

How vampire eye makeup

To obtain the prefect of a vampire aspect, it is to focus on the composition of the eye after the is made with white Foundation for the pale appearance. Apply a lot of black on the eyebrows shirt and the eye lids. Make sure that it is thick. To add that more applicable eyelids silver color on the lids. If one wishes to obtain a sexy vampire look then apply mascara as well. The eyebrows, is trimmed before or pinch. Then draw a few lines on top. This would give a scary look.

To make the eye look more scary on the eye shade work

The eyes are that part which would one fall in single view, therefore, the composition of the eye to the look of vampire should receive great attention. After the lining and the application of the shadow to ensure that the region nearly blows of eye must receive a dark tone. To do this, you can use FAT grey paint. As you move towards the centre of the eyes, it must become more clear. To focus on the region of the eye, apply a highlighter coloured below the front line.

Mouth of the vampire is the centre of attraction

It is the mouth of the vampire with which she sucks the neck of the human being. Therefore, when doing makeup at the mouth, make it loud. The best, use a dark red shade of red lipstick. After using a coloured red lip spots to look as if it was just suck blood. If it is left to flow a bit then it would look as if the blood is still fresh in the mouth. Do not use a liner that is normally used in red red lipstick. This would give a blow of eye, as if the blood flows.

Get good complexion for the perfect look

A vampire is moving in the night and it is taken as if it never saw the Sun. This pale complexion in the shade the lightest base foundation was used. After you have completed with lots of puff of powder of light shades eye makeup only in the face. It would be given a lighter or say more white look and also drops black or lines which were designed after the composition of the eye are also gets hidden. While doing all this try to add a little green or grey in the white powder as too white it would look like a clown.

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