Monday 6 June 2011

Musical instruments for children - Parents make these 5 errors

Learning a musical instrument is probably one of the most important aspects of your child's education. In children getting started in the music, parents need more that simply providing funding and car rides to the lessons of music. This article will discuss 5 mistakes parents make when their child getting started in music.

1. You can register your child in a lesson in music of the group when you must have registered him in private lessons, or vice versa.

It really depends on the age of your child. If your child is very young, around 3 to 5 years-old, I could register it in a group as a Suzuki class lesson. I like the group lessons, especially during the stages of childhood because he teaches social skills that will enrich the development. And it is not too young to start, as the Suzuki method teaches how to play first the instrument and learning to read music later.

If the child is between 6 and 12 years, I would enter him in private education. It will get more individual attention. If you have it in your budget, you may register your child in the class of Suzuki for a year, which meets once a week, and then also enter training private once per week. This would give your child the best of both worlds because teaching methods are different. After a year of the Suzuki method, would be just to keep your kid in lessons private for the future.

2. You have forced your child to take lessons before they were ready, or you piqued his interest

It is very important to start your child to culture by taking advantage of the music. You can never force someone to love music. But there is evidence suggesting that young children who are exposed to the music on a regular basis over the years very soon will develop an inclination to the pleasures of music. You can have classical music, jazz and even pop on all the time! Development of mind like the music.

I would also add that it is never too late to start having music in the home and the car regularly. If your child is more than 6 years, you can still do the same thing. The difference is that you must participate with your child in conversation on the music that you listen to together. It will develop not only a music appreciation, but also a link between you and your child.

3 May have chosen an instrument for your child that he is not interested in learning

You cannot choose a tool that you ever wanted to know or that you may know how to play. Also, please do not choose an instrument for your child because you like it. Even if children not always yet what they like and dislike, let you choose them. This will give them a chance to engage and take responsibility for their decision. You will have to stress their will be practising on this instrument every day so that they understand their new responsibilities.

4 Could stop your child and you do not know the real reason why

There could be several reasons why your child has decided to leave their instrument of music learning. But one of the reasons that you should consider the first is the teacher. If your child is enrolled in lessons of group, sitting in the back of the classroom and observe. Do not get out of racing. Stay and see how the teacher is asking the class. She teaches in a way that you find fun and interesting? If the answer is no, then your kid probably do not think that either.

If your child takes private lessons, it would be wise to observe more. Many studios of private education have a window on the door, so that you can watch the lesson without your child knowing. It is a way to study how the teacher is asking your child and also to see if your child is either to poorly or not no attention. If your child is ill in the lesson, you will have to put an end to this. It is the work of the parent to put a little pressure on the child for this problem.

I would also have a conversation with the teacher to discover the reason why your child wants to learn the instrument and if possible, how the lesson, it can be changed to pique curiosity again.

If you find that the teacher is not very good, not to engage and not to make any that can motivate your kid, then you may want to consider changing teachers. But before you send your child in a new teacher for a lesson to see if she likes best. Make sure that you are present in this lesson. Even if you must be in the room with them. Enter a magazine, to sit behind your kid and out of sight if possible. Imagine just read your magazine, but pay attention to what is happening in the lesson.

5. Your child may be a lack of motivation to practice and you do not know how to handle correctly

Lack of motivation of practice means step that your child wants to leave completely. This may mean that the material is very difficult. Or perhaps just lazy. Your child is in need of support from his teacher and you reach. Learning a musical instrument will be one of the most difficult subjects that your child is facing education. But the value of musical achievement all the rest in your child's life will be much easier.

You could also create a "rewards program" at home. Offer your child a reward for 30 minutes per day. Try your best to do not make corruption. You know what your child likes. Use these things to attract him to practice and to take seriously. When your child learns a new song, you have to applaud him for the achievement and to encourage to keep practicing and learning new songs.

Parent: keep up the good work!

If you follow my instructions to avoid the errors above, I want you to know that you are doing an excellent job in getting your child to the difficult beginnings of music education. The main point is to get involved and stay engaged in the development and teaching of the music of your child. In doing so, you will find comfort in knowing that you do everything you can to help your child.

View the original article here

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