Monday 25 July 2011

The Baader-Meinhof complex Blu-ray review

The Baader-Meinhof complex attempts, Chronicle in its 150 minutes running time the entire decade, which saw the rise and fall of the Red Army faction (RAF), Germany's most notorious terrorist group. The movie produced and written by Bernd Eichinger's Constantin film company was also responsible for the excellent setting the study of Hitler's last days, for which he provided was written.
Directed by Uli Edel shares the writing credit, although the movie on the book with the same name of the former the mirror Chief Editor Stefan Aust, published for the first time in 1985 and today as the definitive text on the subject. Therefore it is of the film as a hybrid and the two styles often seem at odds with each other, during documentary realism the aim also the film provides many violence in the style of the Hollywood-action-thriller.
The film begins in the Middle much published visit by the Shah of Persia, his wife and Entourage of thugs who turned to the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, a large group of students left have protest against the Iranian regime of suppression and the Shah henchmen attack young people with sticks; in the resulting turmoil a student is shot and killed by a German officer Benno Ohnesorg police without incitement. This incident became the rallying point for the Socialist movement and political journalists like Ulrike Meinhof (Martina Gedeck) were so incensed over the events of 2 June 1967, that they have a condemnatory open letter to the Shah woman left Konkret magazine wrote.
11. April 1968 (less than a year later) the assassination of Rudi Dutschke, leader of the fraternity, the protest against the Federal Republic of Germany to escalate support of American foreign policy in particular, the use of the local U.S. air force bases the carpet bombing of Viet Nam, served as Adolf Hitler makes another catalyst for the left youth movement, which said that their parents sat back passively and let Frank has; It was well aware that many former Nazis active prominent in current Western imperialist Government.
While Ulrike Meinhof the maxim practices, that the pen is mightier than the sword, Andreas Baader (Moritz BLEIBTREU) and his girlfriend Gudrun Ensslin (Johanna Wokalek) believe in direct action, and to repay to the Ohnesorg murder of fire bombing of a department store in Frankfurt, for which it pursues. Meinhof, that their trial covering, interviews Ensslin and is impressed by their radical principles and activist zeal. While on probation, the pair flee to avoid a prison sentence in Italy, but by their left lawyer appeals he return to them to Germany, because it has access to resources that, begin a revolutionary organization can be traced.
In one of the film sequences less authentic, we see the seduce Baader and Ensslin generation by the who supports a group of young people in joining the fledgling RAF of cruising in stolen cars of my in a sexed up scene reminiscent of George Lucas's American graffiti, which insists very ethos we are to believe that they are against the railing. However, it is not long before Baader over for speeding pulled and directly in the prison sent.
At this time of Ulrike Meinhof dissatisfied with the power of journalism to real political change can become and of Ensslin is lured into a plan to spring Baader from prison; While Meinhof pretends, a book on the RAF and Ensslin as their Publisher to research not recognized to pose. It is in this outbreak, the group take their first blood and that Meinhof fate forever is swallowed with the Bonnie and Clyde-esque Baader and Ensslin.
Despite some military training arranged for them by their lawyer with Palestinian rebels in Jordan, the Baader approach his focus stays on undisciplined steals a number of banks to appropriate funds for the Group seems to be. In a spectacular Butch and Sundance style shoot-out during a such arrangement of Baader and RAF Member Holger Meins gathered and soon after Ensslin, Meinhof and Jan-Carl Raspe are also arrested and detained at the maximum security Stammhein prison in Stuttgart instead of a high-profile show trial to awaiting barren.
The film sound at this point moved, seeking the first Act, to the charisma of convincing show that the young members of the RAF had to recruit both respectable left figures like Ulrike Meinhof as the radicalisation of the disenfranchised student movement. The second act is more solemn and directs the character of Horst Herold, the head of the West German police, has entrusted with the Elimination of the RAF that September published implementation of various acts of terrorism, including the massacre at the 1972 Munich Olympics and subsequent level abuse, attempts, the founding members to get together with splinter groups such as black. Herold (Bruno Ganz) the need, the terrorists detects profile, psychologically to understand their motivation, there is a risk of the imprisoned members always martyrs Holger Meins of dies hunger strike and Ulrike Meinhof hangs in her cell.
The Baader-Meinhof complex is spotlessly carried out by a passionate cast with incredible attention to the period an electrifying movie, detail by Uli Edel; in most cases it manages a highly inflammatory period of the recent past in which heinous crimes regularly people carried out by the supposedly believed they acted both morally and for that of humanity probably presented but by the escalation of violent, bloody process tragically lost their own humanity.
Steve Exeter is a passionate intellectual and writer, he edited and regularly contributes to the online-Inquirer blog site.

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