Sunday 24 July 2011

The Hello Kitty history: was like Hello Kitty so popular

Hello Kitty is the most famous character by Japanese company Sanrio. It was born 1974 worldwide very quickly favorite one in Tokyo.

In the beginning it was Hello Kitty, Kitty know as one of the kittens described in through the looking-glass are called. The name was chosen at the time in Japan was very popular English literature. However, this proposal was rejected.

Hello Kitty is a stylized female kitten that lives and has fun in London. An interesting fact is that Hello is mouth missing Kitty. This was done intentionally - the lack of mouth can their feelings to the character people project.

The first product with Hello Kitty picture was a small and very cheap vinyl purse. Today, Hello generate Kitty products about $500 million in annual profit.

Other characters, living in the world of Hello Kitty. These characters are family and numerous friends. 2004 Dedicated Hello Kitty their pets - a cat and a hamster. Hello Kitty father is George White and her mother is Mary. Hello Kitty has a sister named Mimmy, who happens to be best friend be characters.

The number of market products carry the image Hello Kitty is large. This character has become enormously popular in the United States. First of all, Hello Kitty products young girls, targeted but today the kitten called fans, world and regardless of your age.

Hi adorns Kitty memorabilia, food, clothing, cosmetics, computers and even aircraft. Prominent approved also Hello Kitty. Mariah Carey, Cameron Diaz, Paris Hilton, and various other stars have worn Hello Kitty outfits.

In Japan Kitty has affected Hello almost every aspect of life. Teenagers and adults alike fall in love with the childish, sweet image of the cat. All kinds of outfits, including Hello Kitty wedding dresses are available.

MasterCard has since 2004 Hello Kitty on their debit cards. The show is devoted to the needs of young girls who learn how to make the such financial transactions are.

Hello Kitty video games and anime movies were created, as well. The earliest cartoon series with the character was created in 1991. The production was the collaboration between the United States and Japan.

Hello have used Kitty picture different famous designers and inspired by the cute Japanese cat. Victoria Couture models wore Hello Kitty mask while you 2007 fashion.

The small white kitten is a cultural phenomenon. 2007 Were obliged to policemen in Taiwan, who had committed some sort of minor violation, a Hello to Kitty icon for several days.

Implementation of Hello Kitty image have, also was coined. The price of a single Hello Kitty silver coin up to $1100 accessible.

Hello Kitty dream wedding took in February 2007 in Hong Kong. The wedding took place in Hong Kong Railway. The train which transported the happy couple came with special decorations.

Today's Kitty enthusiasm Hello on. Discover dozens party decorations and gifts, video games and other accessories of objects, including outfits, baby shower. Hello Kitty remains a hugely popular accessories for children and adults.

Criss white writes about babies and party themes and is a Hello Kitty fan. Article you read on the criss hosting a Hello Kitty baby shower on Criss website about baby shower ideas.

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