Sunday 31 July 2011

Kung Fu Panda journey to inner peace!

May be the sweetest thing that happened this year. A Panda stole my heart! He is fun, it's pretty, he is innocent, he is undemanding endearing and boy! is he awesome on some serious ass-kicking Kung Fu!

In an effort to save Kung Fu Po, the 'Dragon Warrior' Panda and furious five make their trip to China, but what lies ahead can change POS life forever. The place is the country of the Kung Fu legends not only, but is also the mystery of Po identity. A connection to the Po, has his nemesis Mr. Shen that Po unaware. Whatever store Kung Fu as a mission for bottom soon begins to master is transformed in a battle for the Oogway of the last lesson by Kung Fu-"Inner Peace".

Jack Black brings to life our favorite Panda with renewed energy. His voice is for Po which means nothing - it accessible to the public heart makes. Jolie is fantastic as the Tigress alongside Dustin Hoffman as master Shifu, monkey, Seth Rogen as Mantis, Lucy Liu as wiper, Jackie Chan, David Cross as crane and Gary Oldman as Mr. Shen.

The film has some awesome special effects and brilliant animation. There are never bored. And the best part about the animation is that it brings the element of the comic power in life. There are many scenes of wonderful sequences and unpredictable comic timing in action, which leaves the audience filled with joy. The action sequences are full of awesome Kung Fu moves and funny phrases.

The script is brilliant. There are dialogues, the beautiful makes sense for the sheer simplicity with which they posted and was have. The film has a very positive note, inasmuch as it contains spirituality and fun in a perfect blend of blissful awareness.

In the words of the Po, "you have in the past, because it is not only important." "The only thing what counts is what you decide to be now." And many more such moments of consciousness, the feather of the wonderfully touching scenes. The film is very moving in certain key moments, which lets the audience spellbound mainly due to the sharpness of the emotion combined with Po the innocence and truth that is in his face. Everyone can relate to the Panda in moments when his eyes glow with any new knowledge, which brings him and with him the audience closer to "Inner peace".

Waiting for the Dragon Warrior. If you ever in Kung Fu, animation, spirituality or simply awesome fun, watch it! And believe me, if you do, you'll say pandas very in the words of our own

"This is seriously cool!"

View the original article here

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