Thursday 28 July 2011

List of Star tattoo ideas-5 types of stars and their meanings

Stars is one of the most popular tattoos are selected because of the infinite possibilities in unique designs. Are you interested in a rather indecisive about the type of star that you would like? It's okay to be sure, since there are different types of stars. Instead of choosing one at random, here is a list of 5 different star tattoo ideas and their meanings to help with your decision.

1. The shooting stars

The first of many star tattoo ideas are shooting stars. It is the most popular kind of stars chosen among the rest of the world. The reason for the increasing popularity is partly from the pure beauty of the star itself. Always look stylish on the body and is certainly an eye opener to the public. Apart from the actual show, also contains a deeper meaning.

Shooting Stars represents an unforgettable and memorable life changing events. These events can be as simple as your 18th birthday or graduating high school. Special events will be remembered always in mind similar to watching a lot of shooting stars fly through the sky pitch dark.

2. the nautical Star

Prior to invented compasses, sailors used stars to guide the journey throughout the night, especially the star of the North. It had been understood that after the shining star of the North will eventually lead you home. Therefore, the Navy star has won the symbolization of the protection and guidance. Now it is common to see a soldier or sports a Nifty fishermen nautical star in their body to represent the faith return home safely.

3. The star of David

This six-pointed star is a religious symbol in each place resembling a day of the week while the Center representing a Sabbath. The star of David represents also a harmony and unity. This particular star is a simple drawing created by overlapping two triangles.

4. Pentagram

This symbol has two very distinct purposes specified by the location of the star itself. A is a star which means only one thing always stands. If that lone faces downwards then this symbol represents the devil since the two ends have opposite signs as the horns.

On the other hand, if the symbol that leads upwards, then the meaning shifts from the devil balance and protection. Each point on this symbol will then represent the four main elements of the Earth. wind, water, fire and Earth. The final point above stands for the spirit.

5. Septagram

A septagram is a unique seven-star. Since there are seven points about this particular star, a septagram is a symbol of good luck. The world number seven is considered a lucky number as seen everywhere, including popular media such as movies and songs. In addition, a septagram is also a symbol of magic.

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