Sunday 31 July 2011

Game of Thrones: TV fantasy for adults-ups

The series begins in a winter forest North of the great wall that separates untamed North out of the "civilized" country, known as the seven kingdoms. The wall was built to keep the creatures that particularly hard long decade out of the northern forests, to come winter. But they have not seen in a thousand years, and most people think of them as only legends. In the first scene, we see that they are not. Undead creatures with a hatred for all living beings. Dissected the first minutes shows bodies of men, women and children, and then one of the the undead beheading a Ranger from South of the wall on a Scouting Mission. This is not Harry Potter.

Most of the series concerns three families. They but N'Dour noble Starks led by Sean Bean (surely he must be a DAB hand at the swordplay at this stage.) The Lannisters under the direction of Lena Headley. She went now Queen, Robert Baratheon, once proud Warrior and friend of Ned stark (bean), that is, to seed. He has no interest in his Royal duties and his marriage of convenience wife Cersie. Also her husband despises you and is having an affair with her twin brother... Yes, you read that right. The other family is a brother and sister: Dany and Viserys Targaryen. You are the last of her family. Her father was the previous King. He and the rest of the family were killed when Robert assumed the throne. They fled to another country of the sea, deep in the South. Viserys is located in the die to get back his throne and married his sister, a local chief in exchange for use of his large tribe in the Crown again.

The fantasy elements are restricted to a minimum. The creatures behind the wall are only briefly seen in the season magic is mentioned but never seen, and seems to be only the appliance of science and medicine. There were once dragons, but they are now extinct, thought.

Instead season a concerns the rivalry between the Starks and the Lannisters and the intrigues of the Viserys.

The big pull (and criticism) of the series is the dependency of sex and violence. Originally, it was almost a parody of itself. All the adults seem to nude at some point in the show (titled prompting critics to nickname it "Game Of Bones") and the violence in it can be extreme for a TV show.

The other big draw the series of books (and, as the viewers of the series find out), is that you don't really know what will happen next. Alliences are formed and almost weekly revealed and no one is sure.


Sean Bean character Ned stark is the obvious protagonist of the series. Noble an error and trying to keep with the machinations of the Lannisters and their cronies. The story seems to turn it around. His illegitimate son to join the guards on the wall, he despises to usurp from Viserys for the support of his father Robert. Cersie Lannister mistrusts his honesty and tries to tempt him to the dark side. Surrounded the promotion of the series character Sean Bean. Of the posters to re-released book covers concentrated itself on one breed and troubled Ned stark... They made his death in the second last episode very surprising. To say the least! One was always under the assumption that Sean Bean given high-profile as an actor and the promotion, that around his character, which he wanted to be a "good guy" the most important. Internet response was now extremely with all questions come next.

Sky TV has on this magnificent production praised. On television is currently far too much waste and shows like this need to go froward promoted. I have read all the books so far, and let me tell you, if they believe that this is, you nothing still is not seen!

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